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  • Winter 2021 - Spring​ 2022


  • Social Media

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Branding

  • Social Media Analytics

  • Market Research

Social Media Analytics

MCOM 175 - Social Media and Web Analytics is a course offered at San Jose State University. This course teaches how to transform data into actionable insights and how to develop campaign strategies from them. It also teaches the fundamentals of social media analytics, data analytics tools, deriving insights from social metrics, and suggesting data informed decisions to intended audiences.



Mimic social

Project Overview


Mimic Social is a simulation which gives students experience in social media marketing. In it students are hired as the Social Media Marketing Manager for the fictional bag company, BUHI, and it’s our job to improve metrics and bring home results.

The simulation takes place over the course of 12 rounds consisting of crafting and scheduling posts, attracting influencers, and analyzing analytics. At the end of the simulation, I generated over 16 million impressions, over 681k engagements, over 5k conversions, and a total of $220,007 in revenue. I finished in 6th place out of 56.



Goals and Objectives


The listed goals in the simulation are:

  • Spend our entire budget

  • Spend our budget wisely

  • Grow our brand awareness

  • Increase engagement

  • Increase sales

  • Outperform our peers

Aside from these goals, each posting round may have different objectives. For example, a round may ask you to focus on targeted audience, post diversity, or hiring influencers.



Targeted Audience


Mimic Social provides you with several market personas. As the Social Media Marketing Manager, it is my job to research these audiences in order to better market BUHI’s products. Below are the market personas.










BUHI’s target market leaned more towards women at 55% around the age of 18-26. Many of the personas shared interests with each other, such as school or traveling. I used this cross over in interests to my advantage by creating ‘Saved Audiences’, customizable audiences you can create and save for posts, to make posting easier and to reach multiple audiences at the same time. For example, City-Hopper Sue, Seaside Sally, and even Energetic
Jill all share similar demographics and interests. They’re all female around the age of 18-26 that like to go out. Another example is with Back-to-school Mindy and Hipster Mommy Kami. They’re both female who like to do school shopping. The only difference for them is that they are not the same age, so I would have to increase the overall age range.


Campaign Strategies and Tactics


Mimic Social gives different campaign strategies and tactics for us to work and improve on.


  1. See which social media metrics are important.

  2. Find out which social media platforms are the most effective.

  3. which content works the best.Analyze the post analytics from the previous social media marketing manager to see

  4. Choose the right influencers to work with and the best influencer strategy to use.

  5. Research the right demographics to use to make targeted ads more effective.


For me, the best social media platforms to use were Instagram and Facebook. I combined some demographics together for targeted ads because they had similar interests. This allowed me to reach a larger audience more effectively. Analyzing the post analytics from the previous social media marketing manager gave really good insight into what posts did well. This cut down the time needed if I were to experiment with this on my own. Finally, I found that micro influencers were just as effective as larger influencers to which I utilized them in both influencer rounds.





Below are the results from my Post Analytics and my Influencer Analytics.











Key Insights


After completing Mimic Social there a number of key insights I can provide for BUHI.

  • Instagram is the most important social media platform to use since it generates so much good metrics. Facebook and Pinterest come in second of importance when it comes to social media platforms.

  • These types of posts and content are the most successful and should be focused on:

    • Promotional Video

    • People Outdoors With Product

    • Holiday Image, With Product

    • Just Product Outdoors

    • People Indoors With Product

    • Advertisement Just Product

    • Seasonal Advertisement With Product and Person

  • I suggest BUHI foster more relationships with micro influencers.Micro influencers can do just as well as larger influencers. You can buy more of them for cheaper.

  • Promoting posts are more effective than non-promoted posts. I suggest BUHI promoting more posts.



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